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Roxana si Paul in India
Counceling Therapy That Heals
Our experienced team of therapists and our diverse set of miscellaneous conventional and innovative counseling therapy methods will ensure a quick relief for any emotional anxiety you might have!
Family Therapy That Bonds!
Should your family need such a session to either reconcile with some issues or deal with complicated emotional situations and feelings, we are ready to help you!
Child Therapy
When is it time to find a counselor for your child with l earning issues and disabilities? Learn about child counseling, therapy and treatment for kids.

Bun venit!

Înființată în 2015 de un grup de terapeuți ‘Călătoria’ (‘The Journey’) și Modern Mystery School, Asociația își propune să ajute toate persoanele care solicită ajutor. Accentul este pe asistarea femeilor abuzate domestic și acelora care aleg să-și reconstruiască viața pentru a-și îndeplini visele.

Paris-sacre coeur
Terapeuți Experți

Suntem siguri că experiența și empatia specialiștilor noștri sunt o garanție a succesului!

Programe eficiente

Programele – cursurile, terapiile și atelierele noastre practice – au eficiența demonstrată în peste 25 de ani de practică.

Terapii de Succes
During our 25 years in business, we’ve gathered a seasoned team of surgeons
Rata de Succes
Patients who got their issue solved with us permanently stand at a proud 90% rate!

Roxana - Ioana GABOR - ILIESCU

Inițiator și coordonator
I am delighted to become a part of this counseling therapy center in a position of the new coming Clinical Director. Previously I’ve been practicing as a licensed therapy pro in NYC for many years, to be exact since 2005. On top of my work as a clinician, I have been supervising and overseeing…

Consilierea explicată

See it yourself just to get a better understanding of how our team of therapists work!
Working in this field for more than 25 years, I was always eager to help people feel better both about themselves, their abilities, prospectives, past, future and everything else. This short video will explain the cornerstones of my SPEAR counseling technique, which I put to use on a daily basis to help patients with varying psychological conditions.

Clienți mulțumiți -

What people say about us. Here are comments from individuals who have visited Counselor.
My teenage son Harry suffered from a huge anxiety disorder since he was 8. Luckily, one of my friends recommended me this counseling group and after just a year of sessions, he was absolutely back to normal!
Terrence Malick
After my parents both suffered from some tragic events recently, I was all cloaked in depression. Thank God such good therapists as these exist, helping people in severely anxious conditions to spring back to a normal way of life!
Theresa Palmer
After my parents both suffered from some tragic events recently, I was all cloaked in depression. Thank God such good therapists as these exist, helping people in severely anxious conditions to spring back to a normal way of life!
K. Palmer, Atlanta
My teenage son Harry suffered from a huge anxiety disorder since he was 8. Luckily, one of my friends recommended me this counseling group and after just a year of sessions, he was absolutely back to normal!
Terrence Malick
After my parents both suffered from some tragic events recently, I was all cloaked in depression. Thank God such good therapists as these exist, helping people in severely anxious conditions to spring back to a normal way of life!
Theresa Palmer
After my parents both suffered from some tragic events recently, I was all cloaked in depression. Thank God such good therapists as these exist, helping people in severely anxious conditions to spring back to a normal way of life!
K. Palmer, Atlanta

Depression Therapy

Depression is a long-running state of mind, that needs to be addressed and fixed using all the therapeutic knowledge, tailored for your specific situation.

So if you’re struggling with issues that keep reappearing despite anything you try to do to shrug them off or maybe in case you’re running into challenges with your romantic relationships, all the time, you might need our professional assistance and counsel.

Cere o consultație

Oricare ar fi  problema specifică, din domeniul emoțional – energetic cu care vă confruntați în prezent, suntem mai mult decât bucuroși să vă oferim o consultație gratuită și o programare prealabilă!

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    Te felicit pentru deschiderea si decizia de a participa la seminarul cu Brandon, Journey Intensive, la Bucuresti.
    Vei primi, la adresa ta de posta electronica, link-ul, codul voucherului si detalii de inscriere.

    Blog About Your Emotions & How to Fix Them!

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    Multiple locații în România / Europa Centrul este în București, Sector 2.
    Telefon: +40730188898
    Luni - Vineri: 9:00 - 18:00