Seminar – retragere conceput de OSHO, adaptat și completat de Prabhavati Deva Dwaba. Un mare pas spre regăsirea feminității și a propriei vieți, divorțată de suferință.

Deva Dwabha - Women Who See In The Dark     Am cunoscut-o pe Prabhavati Deva Dwabha (Enid Magdalena Hendershot) la Rishikesh, India. Crește 70 de copii într-un colț de rai, creat chiar de dumneaei, Ramana’s Garden. Tot acolo educă aproape 300 de copii. Casă, masă, educație, sănătate, burse – incredibil cum sd decurcă. Este o ființă remarcabilă. Când povestește propria viata ești în 1001 de nopți, alături de Seherezada. Apoi afli că ti-a spus o parte din ce era de povestit, și cunoști oamenii din povestirea ei incredibilă!!! Este o cinste pentru mine să o cunosc și să o revăd peste câteva zile, când va conduce un seminar, impreuna cu Roxana, evident pe feminitate – sănătate trup și suflet. Sunt convins că mai avem o sansă cu toții pe aici, pe acest pământ, cât timp mai există asemenea ființe pe aicicu noi! Ea este multiplu premiată internațional pentru proiectul celui mai complex și performant orfelinat din Rishikesh, Ramana s Garden. și pentru programul WOMAN WHO SEE IN THE DARK, care a ajutat până acum mii de femei în întreaga lume să scape de legământul suferinței, al durerii, al nefericirii și al bolii.  Fostă colegă cu Brandon Bays, ca discipoli a lui Papaji. Mai-nainte de Papaji a fost discipola lui OSHO. Acum Dwabha trăiește în India, la Rishikesh. Prabhavati a acceptat să vină în România fără nici o clipă de îndoială, pe loc! Fără să ceară nici un fee fix, fără așteptări. ”Vin pentru femeile din România. Simt că a venit timpul lor, chiar dacă ele nu știu încă. A venit vremea să pună punct lanțului de suferințe venit de la generații de strămoși care nu au știut să facă altfel.” Dacă simți și tu că ești pregătită de divorțezi de toate poverile vieții tale, urmărește următoarele programe WOMEN WHO SEE IN THE DARK (, care este poate cel mai puternic program de autocunoaştere, acceptare și transformare interioară, conceput special pentru femei care au puterea să “vadă” şi să-şi înţeleagă tiparele emoţionale limitative. Şi care vor să dărâme zidurile astea din jurul lor, din viaţa lor. În România a existat unul în luna mai 2018 și va mai fi o ediție specială, între 20 și 27 iulie 2018,  o săptămână întreagă cu WSD plus tehnici Tantra plus tehnici Călătoria. Apoi va urma o ediție de lux în prima săptămâna a lui martie 2019 în Bali, la un centru creat special pentru astfel de retrageri. Fabulos! . Deva Dwabha ne-a împuternicit, pentru retreatul din România, să acordăm sprijin pentru doamnele care vor cu adevărat să aducă o schimbare în bine în viața și familia lor.  Acum ea este multiplu premiată internațional pentru proiectul celui mai complex și performant orfelinat din Rishikesh, Ramana s Garden și pentru programul WOMAN WHO SEE IN THE DARK ce a ajutat până acum mii de femei în întreaga lume să scape de legământul suferinței, al durerii și al nefericirii. Obisnuiam să spun că “Umbra este Persoana care NU vrei sa fii”, dar mai clar explică chiar ea, în filmările de mai jos. Te invit să le urmărești și să simți ce simți: Dacă simți deja chemarea, contactează-ne. Aici sau pe Facebook.  Growing up in Ramana’s Garden from Pankaja Brooke on Vimeo. Aici găsești răspunsul lui OSHO la una din intrebările Devei: Interviul Devei pentru revista Tango / Marea Dragoste; 

Prezentarea esenței programului Women Who See In The Dark – limba seminarului este engleza:

An exquisite, liberating, healing retreat given by OSHO to her disciple Prabhavati Deva Dwabha. 27 years ago he empowered Deva to take this program to be taught, shared and deepened to all women who long to be free of their own cage made of fears, doubts, guilt, shame and blame. For the first time in Romania, this exclusive, private 5 days retreat of intensive and profound experience is designed only for women ready to take the decision to live a life in freedom, truth and love. A group of maximum 25 delegates who will have all the attention and support they need, in a very private and welcoming location, with delicious vegetarian meals and exquisite surroundings. In a time when thousands of women are committing suicide, tens of thousands are taking anti depressives or uplifting mood substances as the only solution of dealing with the unbearable daily pain, this retreat comes with new keys to evolve in harmony. This is your opportunity to meet and embrace shadow aspects of your personality and generational patterns of suffering, unworthiness, lack of self love, competing with each other as women instead of bonding into the sisterhood we are meant to live in, in order to cradle each of ours dream life. Facing your blind spots instead of projecting them on your partner, kids, dear ones or colleagues will finally decondition all women from their own vows of pain slavery. ” Women who See in the Dark” retreat offers 5 days of workbook creation, visualisation, hands on healing, conscious communication, inner masculine and feminine archetypes exercises, meditation, astrology and tarot, breath work. The moment we SEE our shadow dark side- that we have kept hidden- we shine light into our darkness and the darkness dissipates! The venue is an exclusive one, reserved only for the group. The full price of this life changing retreat is 550* euro that includes – the Women who see in The Dark Osho based program – accommodation in twin rooms – full vegetarian meals, snacks, tea, coffee breaks, fruits – all the accessories for the retreat

WOMEN WHO SEE IN THE DARK… Healing our Shadow wounds Our SHADOW WOUNDS from our early childhood or adolescent years CAUSE us to feel they are a real part of who we are. When we ignore our core wounds, they cry out for attention in harmful ways, resulting in TRAUMA and destruction in our personal relationships. On a soul level, our shadows continue the damage we have held for years even lifetimes. The moment we SEE that our shadowy dark side – that we keep hidden – is nothing to feel scared of or ashamed about, we create a TREMENDOUS SHIFT that propels us on a healing journey to reach a place of inner peace and bliss. From there we can then ask the questions we have been longing to find answers to, and CONNECT to our innermost desires. When we locate what our heart longs for, we will also discover what painful emotions are creating resistance, and from there we SEE a way to HEAL the wounds that have caused us to be weighed down and to remain stuck, repeating similar scenarios for so long. When we do this we SEE magnificent TRANSFORMATIONS not just in the way we feel about ourselves, but also how we connect and communicate with the people around us, particularly within our most intimate relationships and every aspect of our lives. The moment we SHINE a light on darkness, the darkness dissipates, and we SEE how beautiful our shadow aspects are and that, despite how many insecurities, issues, or problems we perceive ourselves to have, they are what makes each one of us breathtakingly human. There truly is nothing to fear at all. During the RETREAT, we offer a series of visualizations, breath work, Hands-on-Healing, conscious communication, meditations, inner masculine and inner feminine archetypes, astrology, group exercises and individual processes designed to allow you to EXPLORE the landscapes of your INNER LIFE. You will experience PROFOUND HEALING and transformation through witnessing and supporting the work of other participants as well as through your own work. Therefore, we can reach in and hold out a hand to our inner child that has sat in the darkness tortured by abandonment and rejection. Slowly we can gain the trust of the parts of ourselves that we have pushed away and dismissed. We can offer an unconditionally loving embrace to show that we whatever is upset, rejected, suppressed, or angry on the inside will eventually get the chance to be heard, healed, and freed. So, we can rationally process what we went through, why we are still holding on to underlying emotions and beliefs. Most importantly, we understand how we can TRANSCEND through it to reach a place of inner peace and bliss through the realization and fearless self-acceptance that our shadowy dark side – that we keep hidden – is nothing to feel scared of or ashamed about. Slowly we can gain the TRUST of the parts of ourselves that we have pushed away and dismissed, and we can offer an unconditionally loving embrace to show that we ACCEPT each part of ourselves; the dark, the light, and every shade in between. Although it may seem easier to distract ourselves and not pay attention to what goes on below the surface, when we ignore our core wounds, all that happens is they will cry out for attention in a variety of harmful ways, and this results in trauma and destruction in many of our personal relationships. We will subconsciously keep replaying the same stories over and again in the hope that whatever is upset, rejected, suppressed, or angry on the inside will eventually get the chance to be heard, healed, and freed. THIS is the exact energy needed to dig in deep and softly touch the areas that are raw and tender, as parts of us have felt lost and abandoned while we distracted ourselves within the busyness of life. We may have tried to mask or numb these aching aspects of our internal selves by turning to toxic relationships, alcohol, drugs or addictions of various kinds that may seem harmless at first glance, but on a soul level are serving to sustain the damage we have held for years. This bruising, that almost all of us hold within our emotional bodies, may regularly be touched and triggered. When that happens eruptions occur and our emotions will flare up, seemingly out of nowhere. New and full moons are intense energetic periods, and are known for highlighting and magnifying our unhealed and repressed emotional wounds. This is why during these amplified lunar phases we often feel tightly coiled and as though the slightest irritation could send us off balance and reeling toward a mini meltdown. WE ARE here to support our personal growth so that we shift from wounded, pain-filled beings into free-spirited, light-hearted, carefree souls, purely through the realization and fearless self-acceptance that our shadowy dark side—that we keep hidden—is nothing to feel scared of or ashamed about. We can reach in and hold out a hand to our inner child that has sat in the darkness tortured by abandonment and rejection. Slowly we can gain the trust of the parts of ourselves that we have pushed away and dismissed, and we can offer an unconditionally LOVING EMBRACE to show that we accept each part of ourselves; the dark, the light, and every shade in between. As said before, when we do this we will notice MAGNIFICENT transformation not just in the way we FEEL about ourselves, but also how we connect and communicate with the people around us, particularly within our most intimate relationships.  

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